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Marine Biology and Fisheries

College or University: University of Miami

Type of degree: M.A.

Brief overview of program: The Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries (MBF) focuses its efforts in a wide range of field, laboratory, and theoretical research with particular interest in areas such as the biochemistry of marine toxins, coral reef studies, biological oceanography and marine biology, fisheries biology and aquaculture, and the biology and behavior of marine vertebrates. Through various Rosenstiel School research centers and groups, such as the Marine and Freshwater Biomedical Science Center, the experimental hatchery, the Pew Institute for Ocean Science, the National Science Foundation/National Institute of Environmental Health Science Center for Oceans and Human Health, the world-renowned NIH/University of Miami National Resource for Aplysia facility, and many others, division faculty, students, and their many international collaborators participate in multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, and cross-divisional programs. Graduate students in MBF are able to choose from a diversity of subject areas for their research and courses with such a wide variety of experts.

Website: Click here for program website

Description of Facilities: A modern fleet of research vessels, small boats, excellent computer facilities, scanning electron microscope and other sophisticated laboratory instruments, a highly technical field capability, an extensive library, research invertebrate museum, and an experimental fish hatchery provide the perfect research environment for both the budding and accomplished marine biologist. Combined with the other on-campus divisions of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry, Marine Geology and Geophysics, Applied Marine Physics, and Marine Affairs, the School offers opportunities in marine science available at few other institutions.

Student Support: The overwhelming majority of MBF students are supported as research assistants. These assistantships, which are awarded competitively, provide a monthly stipend and cover tuition costs. Students not supported as research assistants are generally supported on special fellowships provided by their employer or, for some non-U.S. students, their home country.

Program Point of Contact: Professor Robert K. Cowen


Institution address: 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
                             Miami,FL 33149-1098


This project is supported, in part, by the NationalScience Foundation.  Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the Foundation